I've been considering what to write next and have been thinking I might have peaked too early. I mean, where do you go after Easter? Ironically enough, this was a question I had in my head after I entered the church. RCIA classes last for about a month after Easter is over, but then what? Its the same question that plagues college graduates. When you're in classes, you know what you are doing. You pay attention (sometimes), you get good grades (hopefully), and you work towards a goal. Then the time comes to enter the real world and you have all sorts of directions to go in, but you have to choose. How do you choose? What if you choose poorly? Its like being a mouse in a maze with walls to guide you and now there are no walls. These are my thoughts, slightly magnified, but how I felt none the less. Obviously I would follow Christ, there's never been any question about that,... but now in such new ways.
As any Catholic convert would tell you I'm sure, the body and blood affects you in ways you never thought were possible. I've always considered the Lord's supper to be the real deal. Growing up in the church of Christ, I would concentrate on those little crackers as if Christ himself had broken them up and passed the plate to me. I would sip the grape juice cup with a visual in my mind of standing at the base of the cross, lifting my mouth, and having that precious blood drip onto my tongue. (sorry if that's a bit gruesome for you but that's what I saw). I was surprised to learn that it is supposed to be a symbol and not the real thing. I honestly didn't know this until I was in the process of becoming catholic. Now that I've had a taste of holiness, I can never go back. I'm spoiled and I would starve.
This is something I've tried to explain to my family, not to convince them of how wrong they are or how right I am, but to help them understand how addicted I am to the Eucharist! I can't live without it. If you are a convert or a cradle catholic and have a story about how addicted you are to this awesome sacrament,.. I'd love to hear about it. I make silly little comments to Kody and my friends all the time about how I need my Jesus fix or how I gotta go to mass and get some Jesus food,.. but when it comes down to the reality of it: I need my sustenance. I need my oxygen. I need the one thing I can't live without: HIM
I share your need for a "Jesus fix". Just last night I was talking to a cradle Catholic, and I was telling him about how much I love to go to Mass. He did not have the same level of excitement about mass as I did, but I admired him for being so interested in why I loved the Catholic Church and mass. Thanks again for sharing Kira, again you captured exactly how I feel as well. You are a beautiful woman.