The Gift

The Gift

About Me

My name is Kira and I became a catholic Easter of 2006. My life has changed so much from this and I wanted to write about my experience and invite others to share their's. I was brought up in the church of christ and my family still goes to church there which makes it difficult to talk to them about how much I love my new church home. I wish they could understand but they probably never will. The church of christ did wonders for my spiritual start in life. I know the Bible well and can quote scripture like a pro. :) But there's always been a depth that was missing from my love for worship before that I've found through being catholic. So take what you find here as you will and hopefully it will inspire or challenge,.. me or you,.. or both.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Finally Got To Do It!

I have never had a more fulfilling duty than to hand out the Eucharist to God's people. As a Catholic, I have watched people do it over and over again and while I thought it was amazing, I was never into the idea of helping. I liked resting on my knees and waiting in prayer to go and walk down the isle to Jesus. I loved how much I felt like a bride walking towards receiving my heavenly treat. The Eucharist has very powerful meaning to me and sometimes I think I come across as sacrilegious when I try to express my hunger for "Jesus food". But I feel just the opposite. It is so powerful and yet so simple. God simplified. Only God has the power to make Himself obtainable in a way we can relate to. We understand eating. Food to humans is not just about nourishment (although that is important) but it feeds our soul. We eat on dates, with family, very special holidays, etc. Food is an important part of our lives and when we are at mass, we receive the MOST important part of our lives IN food! ..... I said all that to say: I really love the Eucharist.
At our parish in Texas, I wanted to lector. The problem with that is they didn't need lectors,.. they needed EMs (Eucharistic Ministers). So I tentatively signed up and,... LOVED IT.
I was so overwhelmed by how nervous I felt before I got up there, but how calm I was next to Him. It can be quite confusing when you are not used to it: who is old enough, who is Catholic (although I personally think God doesn't mind), are they crossing their arms or not, why do you insist I put it on your tongue,.. but overall it is AWESOME. (selfish note: you get to hold the Body of Christ in your hand a lot longer when you're an EM... which is really great!)
This Sunday I overslept (bad Kira) and went to the 11 mass instead. I saw the EMs looking around and thought they might need help. (It was just me there, Kody was hunting and Braxton was sleeping at Grandma's). They welcomed me with open arms and I was nervous and excited as always. I was nervous because it was my first time at this new parish and there are a few different rules here that I have to remember. I was a bit klutzy, walked the wrong way here and there but I generally did OK! ;)
As I was handing out the Body of Christ, I was thinking about writing this post and noting how wonderful it is when people open up their hands to you to receive Christ. It was symbolic to me of them opening up their hearts! God was using me as his servant to help Him give His Son to His people. What an honor!
Once you have become an EM, you are hooked for life. It's a drug that you can never stay away from. It is a serving high that feeds you in ways you might have never imagined. If you are thinking about becoming an EM in your parish, you should...but beware!!! You'll never be free from the love you will feel from holding the Son of God in your hands and sharing it with the people of God.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Trinitarian God

This Tuesday in RCIA, was about the Trinity. The belief in a Trinitarian God is not solely Catholic. I always knew there was One God and three persons: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But believing/knowing is a far cry from understanding.

The scene is the seashore, where there is a small pool, a little boy with a seashell, and a sandy beach on which St. Augustine, clad in his episcopal robes, is walking, pondering with difficulty the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. “Father, Son, Holy Spirit; three in one!” he muttered, shaking his head.
As he approached the little boy who was running back and forth between the sea and the pool with a seashell of water, Augustine craned his neck and asked him: “Son, what are you doing?”
“Can’t you see?” said the boy. “I’m emptying the sea into this pool!”
“Son, you can’t do that!” Augustine countered. “I will sooner empty the sea into this pool than you will manage to get the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity into your head!”
Upon saying that, the boy, who was an angel according to legend, quickly disappeared, leaving Augustine alone with the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.

We will never completely understand the mystery of the Trinity because God is too big for our simple human minds to comprehend. Our teacher last night had an incredible chart which helped me further my understanding to a level which it has never been. I want to share that:



*The Way: means of existence (without the Father, we wouldn't exist)

*God over us

*Good Friday (God's judgement)


*Transcendent Goodness (not just "good" but the essence of "Goodness"



*The Truth: means of knowledge (we can only know the Father through the Son)

*God with us (Immanuel)

*Easter (God's Help)


*The Word became flesh



*The Life: means of Love

*God in us

*Pentecost (God's abiding presence)


*reconciling and renewing power of God's Love

I tried to put those side by side, but the computer was being difficult and making me say bad words :) so hopefully it is still helpful. I liked the way the pieces fit together to help us see at least a part of the puzzle of God.
We ended the class with the Trinitarian prayer of Elizabeth of the Trinity:
The prayer to the Trinity
O my God, Trinity whom I adore, help me to become utterly forgetful of myself so that I may establish myself in you, as changeless and calm as though my soul were already in eternity. Let nothing disturb my peace nor draw me forth f from you, O my unchanging God, but at every moment may I penetrate more deeply into the depths of your mystery. Give peace to my soul; make it your heaven, your cherished dwelling-place and the place of your repose. Let me never leave you there alone, but keep me there, wholly attentive, wholly alert in my faith, wholly adoring and fully given up to your creative action.
O my beloved Christ, crucified for love, I long to be the bride of your heart. I long to cover you with glory, to love you even unto death! Yet I sense my powerlessness and beg you to clothe me with yourself. Identify my soul with all the movements of your soul, submerge me, overwhelm me, substitute yourself for me, so that my life may become a reflection of your life. Come into me as Adorer, as Redeemer and as Saviour.
O Eternal Word, utterance of my God, I want to spend my life listening to you, to become totally teachable so that I might learn all from you. Through all darkness, all emptiness, all powerlessness, I want to keep my eyes fixed on you and to remain under your great light. O my Beloved Star, so fascinate me that I may never be able to leave your radiance.
O Consuming Fire, Spirit of Love, overshadow me so that the Word may be, as it were incarnate again in my soul. May I be for him a new humanity in which he can renew all his mystery.
And you, O Father, bend down towards your poor little creature. Cover her with your shadow, see in her only your beloved son in who you are well pleased
O my `Three', my All, my Beatitude, infinite Solitude, Immensity in which I lose myself, I surrender myself to you as your prey. Immerse yourself in me so that I may be immersed in you until I go to contemplate in your light the abyss of your splendour!