The Gift

The Gift

About Me

My name is Kira and I became a catholic Easter of 2006. My life has changed so much from this and I wanted to write about my experience and invite others to share their's. I was brought up in the church of christ and my family still goes to church there which makes it difficult to talk to them about how much I love my new church home. I wish they could understand but they probably never will. The church of christ did wonders for my spiritual start in life. I know the Bible well and can quote scripture like a pro. :) But there's always been a depth that was missing from my love for worship before that I've found through being catholic. So take what you find here as you will and hopefully it will inspire or challenge,.. me or you,.. or both.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

RCIA class at Parrish # 3!

It is so interesting to see how RCIA is taught at different parishes. I went through the program myself at St. Michael's Parrish in Lake Jackson, TX and Kody went through it at Most Blessed Sacrament in Arlington, TX. No matter how different the methods may be, one thing is for sure: you get attached to the people and see their love of the church shining in their eyes. I have missed being involved in the liturgy since we left MBS in Texas. I love serving the Eucharist to people and I enjoy being a lector, but those things, as involved as they are, are convenient because they happen on Sundays - when I'm there anyways. Being a sponsor is a huge commitment and means you're there every week for two hours and sometimes twice a week. I got a message from our RCIA director asking me to come and figured that to be a pretty good sign to get my rear in gear. This last Tuesday was my first class and I didn't meet a lot of people, but I hope to. I'm excited to begin this journey and hope you will pray for me and whoever I will be sponsoring. ;-)

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