After that first mass, I couldn't wait to go back. I started attending Sunday mornings at 11 because there seemed to be more people my age then (it's hard to get up early when your young... with no babies), but everyone sort of scattered after mass and I wasn't meeting anyone. I heard that there is a mass almost every day of the week and that those masses are more intimate. I went by myself the first time on a Wednesday, I think. It was very different than Sunday mass, not nearly as dramatic and popular, but I loved it. It was kind of like meeting Jesus for coffee rather than going to hear him speak at a conference... if that makes sense. Sometimes I use too many metaphors.
I met a few people who worked with the youth and started asking about classes where I could ask questions and learn more about this catholic stuff. After mass, everyone would meet at the Rectory (home for unwed fathers.... lol I love that joke) and have coffee with Father Leo. I was so nervous. At mass I could try to blend in and no one would no I wasn't one of them, but if they started talking to me they'd know I was an invader from the outside. (No joke, I really felt this way). To my surprise, they didn't start throwing stones at my head and instead started asking me about the church I'd come from and what made me curious. I was told about RCIA. RCIA is a program that people who are interested in the catholic faith go through to either become catholic or just learn more about it. The classes were free but didn't start until August so I had some time to make sure this was what I wanted to do. It was.
Love the title, and I love the metaphors even more. You are a great story teller. I felt the same exact fear you did when going to mass in the beginning. Nice story, keep 'em coming!